About Us


Kathy Peach, Aleksandra Berditchevskaia, Geoff Mulgan, Gina Lucarelli, Mirko Ebelshaeuser 

Published May 2021


About the UNDP Accelerator Labs

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The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Accelerator Labs is the world’s largest and fastest learning network on wicked sustainable development challenges. Co-built as a joint-venture with the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany and the Qatar Fund for Development, the Network covers 115 countries, and taps into local innovations to create actionable insights and reimagine sustainable development for the 21st century.

Learn more at acceleratorlabs.undp.org or follow us at @UNDPAccLabs

About Nesta

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Nesta’s Centre for Collective Intelligence Design helps organizations and communities to tackle complex social problems in new ways. We do this by working with our partners to identify how they can make better use of diverse perspectives, new sources of data and digital technologies. Our work draws on a wide variety of different methods and disciplines, from crowdsourcing to AI. Our goal is to help groups of people to become smarter together - creating new collectively intelligent systems that are able to address 21st century challenges. To learn more, see nesta.org.uk/project/centre-collective-intelligence-design/ or email the team at collective.intelligence@nesta.org.uk

Nesta is a registered charity in England and Wales with company number 7706036 and charity number 1144091. Registered as a charity in Scotland number SCO2833. Registered office: 58 Victoria Embankment, London, EC4Y 0DS.


We would like to thank Peter Baeck, Camilla Bertoncin, Eduardo Gustale and
Erika Antoine for their valuable contributions, insight and feedback on this research.

We would like to thank the following UNDP Accelerator Lab staff for their generosity in sharing their time and stories with us: 
Matias Acosta, Luis Cervantes, Drasko Draskovic, Arijana Drinic, Cristian Gil Sanchez, Khavi Homsombath, Paulina Jimenez, Ievgen Kylymnyk, Veronica Moreno, Lorena Moscovich, Oleksiy Moskalenko, Luana Natali, Nguyen Tuan Luong, Gift Ntuli, Peter Nyanda, Sofia Paredes Chaux, Phan Hoang Lan, Maniphet Phengsavatdy, Gabriela Rios, 
Shamiso Ruzvidzo.

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